
Safe Operations / Thai culture

"A Thai upbringing teaches us to strive for 'consciousness' at all times. Being present and concentrating on the task at hand, while remaining aware of everything around us, we believe, greatly contributes to reducing the risk of accidents and incidents on board our Highland-managed vessels."
Middle Path:
"Thai culture also teaches us to stay on the 'Middle Path' and not think, speak, or act in excessive ways. By keeping our emotions calm, we can see clearly, analyze the details, and make careful decisions based on facts."

Family Values:
"Thai family values are strong, creating great collective support for the bigger picture or goal, over individual whims."
"The Thai smile has a great impact on communication, opening the door to opportunities for positive discussions and finding truly collaborative solutions."

"The highly respected act of doing 'Merit,' i.e., truly giving without expectation of a return, helps us let go of self-centered preoccupations and focus on helping others around us."

Young-Generation Thais:
"Young-generation Thais have embraced their traditional culture and character, focusing it on a 'just' care for and full awareness of the environment around them. They are bringing collective pressure on their elders to ensure a greater focus on protecting our environment in truly innovative and viable ways."

Long-Term Safety:
"It is so rewarding working with our full Highland Thai sea-staff and shore-staff teams, managing bulk carriers and many other vessels, trading regionally and worldwide, resulting in a strong long-term safety record."